Betekenis van:
land rail

land rail
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • kwartelkoning (Lat: Crex crex)
  • common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields




  1. In 1999 and 2002 land was sold for the same price in the neighbouring area of Edenbüttel, although access by rail, air and river was more difficult.
  2. That Article has been developed by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69 of 26 June 1969 on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway [2], which lays down general conditions for public service obligations in the land transport sector and imposes methods for calculating compensation.
  3. Share of renewable energy in transport: final energy from renewable sources consumed in transport (cf. Article 5(1)(c) and 5(5) of Directive 2009/28/EC) divided by the consumption in transport of 1) petrol; 2) diesel; 3) biofuels used in road and rail transport and 4) electricity in land transport (as reflected in row 3 of Table 1).
  4. In particular, this includes the development and maintenance of land for commercial and other port-related purposes, the construction and maintenance of road and rail connections, the construction and maintenance, including dredging, of access routes and of other areas of water in the port, and the construction and maintenance of navigation aids and traffic management, communication and information systems in the port and on the access routes.
  5. Any project which concerns the following work will be deemed to be of common interest: construction and maintenance of all elements of the transport system generally open to all transport users within the port and of links with the national or international transport network. In particular, this includes the development and maintenance of land for commercial and other port-related purposes, the construction and maintenance of road and rail connections, the construction and maintenance, including dredging, of access routes and of other areas of water in the port, and the construction and maintenance of navigation aids and traffic management, communication and information systems in the port and on the access routes.
  6. (9).Official stamp and signatureDone at on(signature of official veterinarian (11)(stamp) (11)(name in capital letters, qualifications and title)Notes(1) meat of wild game birds that do not contain offal, except in the case of unplucked and uneviscerated game birds; meat of farmed game birds, meat of wild leporidae, defined as rabbits and hares, that do not contain offal, except in the case of unskinned and uneviscerated leporidae, meat of farmed rabbits, meat of wild land mammals, other than ungulates and leporidae, that do not contain offal.(2) In accordance with Article 12 (4) or Article 13 of Council Directive 97/78/EC.(3) Issued by the competent authority.(4) Country as laid down in Annex II and description of territory as appearing in Annex I to Commission Decision 2000/585/EC (as last amended).(5) Address (and approval number if known) of the warehouse in a free zone, free warehouse, customs warehouse or ship chandler shall be included.(6) The registration number(s) of rail-wagon or lorry and the name of the ship should be given as appropriate.
  7. Animal Health attestationI, the undersigned official veterinarian, hereby certify, that the meat described above:9.1. comes from a country as laid down in Annex II or region authorized for imports into the EC as laid down in Annex I to Commission Decision 2000/585/EC at the time of slaughter and,9.2. complies with the relevant animal health conditions as laid down in the animal health attestation in the model certificate [C]/[D]/[E]/[H]/[I] (7) in Annex III to Commission Decision 2000/585/EC and9.3. is derived from animals which were slaughtered and processed on or between …. (9).Official stamp and signatureDone at on(signature of official veterinarian (11)(stamp) (11)(name in capital letters, qualifications and title)Notes(1) meat of wild game birds that do not contain offal, except in the case of unplucked and uneviscerated game birds; meat of farmed game birds, meat of wild leporidae, defined as rabbits and hares, that do not contain offal, except in the case of unskinned and uneviscerated leporidae, meat of farmed rabbits, meat of wild land mammals, other than ungulates and leporidae, that do not contain offal.(2) In accordance with Article 12 (4) or Article 13 of Council Directive 97/78/EC.(3) Issued by the competent authority.(4) Country as laid down in Annex II and description of territory as appearing in Annex I to Commission Decision 2000/585/EC (as last amended).(5) Address (and approval number if known) of the warehouse in a free zone, free warehouse, customs warehouse or ship chandler shall be included.(6) The registration number(s) of rail-wagon or lorry and the name of the ship should be given as appropriate.